Thursday, March 29, 2007

Very Funny Link That I Found

I don't have time to dive in the endless examples of mental abilities of rentacoder team. But there is very funny link that I found. It's interesting to see how rentacoder owner blames Microsoft. Obviously mental abilities of rentacoder team do not allow them to read and understand the documentation of IIS 5.0 that came with every IIS 5 many years ago.

The url of the fun:

They can't stop me to laugh at them, if rentacoder hides this article there are copies at:

This is the text with my explanations:

Real Life Microsoft IT
this title is lie, right title is "real life rentacoder mental abilities", "real life rentacoder stupidity" or "rentacoder - shame of the international global marketplace"

Classic ASP: Not ready for prime-time?
This title is silly, it is well described many years ago in IIS 5 documentation:"ASP should not be used for business logic. If you find that most of your business logic is embedded into the ASP, your application will probably not scale properly. It is true that ActiveX® scripting languages, hosted by ASP, are capable of accomplishing a great deal of business logic processing. However, if the business logic required for your Web application is more than trivial, then that business logic should be folded into a new COM component, rather than embedded in ASP scripts. "

The right title is "the code of rentacoder site: the biggest mistake of rentacoder team", "the biggest patch on the site for patches"

There is a VERY bad problem with Active Server Pages (ASP...or what is sometimes known as "classic ASP") which prevents it from being a viable system on which to build a "big IT" project. For 2 years we've been fighting a problem in which the IIS (Internet Information Server) 6.0 web servers will run fine for a while. But then after 18-20 hours, every pages will stop running properly and instead display random errors (that change from refresh of the page to refresh). The errors always say things like "Cannot find property or method" regarding classes that do exist, or "Cannot create object". The exact property or object changes from "refresh" to "resfresh"...even on the same page. Restarting will fix the problem for an hour or so...but then it reoccurs. Only a hard reboot will fix it for another 18-20 hours. And then the cycle repeats itself.
Obviously rentacoder team has overloaded the server. They have been fighting for years with their stupidity and blame Microsoft. There is vey bad problem with rentacoder: they are proficient to make patches and blame someone else for their mistakes.

We started a ticket over 2 years on this. Today Microsoft acknowledged the problem publicly with a KB article:;en-us;914156

Obviously the stupidity of rentacoder is endless and Microsoft is their excuse.

Basically the problem is that ASP fragments the heap under certain conditions:1) When an app uses INCLUDE files 2) When an app uses significant memoryAnd it doesn't defragment the memory and as a result, will ALWAYS crash IIS in this way. The new restart services of IIS 6.0 don't help, becuase only a hard reboot can truly get rid of the defragmentation.
Probably the owner of rac is proud that he understood several technical terms. He uses every opportunity to show it. Probably he thinks that this way will prove that he is professional. :-)

Of course, two things that any site that has any sophistication has lots of INCLUDE files and any site that has any traffic uses lots of memory. If both of these apply to you, your ASP site is in trouble. This is what's called a "bug" in my book. I'm sure if ASP were MSFT's current technology they would have to fix this. But Microsoft has moved on to I suspect the incentive is pretty much nil.

Of course rentacoder team think that many people are so stupid like them. Probably because of the "buyers" asking for clone of google for $100.
If you look at the KB article, Microsoft gives a "workaround" (which is the same workaround that they suggested to us). The workaround is to rewrite your INCLUDE files as COM objects. The article sites a # of benefits like speed, etc..
If rentacoder team was able to understand IIS 5 documentation they will know the best practices and will not call it "workaround"

The KB was probably written by a systems engineer who knows alot about running systems, but has no idea how computer software is developed, and how impractical this workaround is in the real world. In a previous position we went down the COM object route. We did it for other reasons...because it was the Microsoft "best practice" at the time. It's obvious why it no longer is. The problems we ran into were:

Again someone else is responsible for the stupidity of rentacoder team. The real problem is that rentacoder do not have idea of the real world. They are lost in their illusions

1) Memory: COM objects have a known memory leak problem. If two COM objects reference each other and you set them to Nothing, they don't clear themselves in memory as they should. The problem is due to the internal way that COM objects work and was fixed in .NET with a rearchitecture. But that isn't an option for you if you use COM objects. This COM memory leak bug will cause your machine to eventually crash, EVERY TIME.
Also for Java application servers when there is no more memory it is recommended restart, so restart is common way to solve such problems. But not for rentacoder team, they have to blame someone else
2) Slowness to initialize objects: COM objects are not designed to be created and destroyed thousands of times like .NET objects. Our object rich COM model running on the internet was VERY slow...some pages took 5-10 seconds to render. One way to work around this is to not use objects in COM, but instead use functions. But of course, this "solution" causes almost as many problems. A non-object oriented framework is exponentially more difficult to debug and maintain which makes delivering the code on time and on budget frustratingly (and unnecessarily) difficult.
there are 2 problems here:
- they have overloaded the server with bad structured asp code
- it is recommended the com objects to live in application scope: "Cache Application-scoped objects and data, either by creating the object in Global.asa, or creating it on-demand in an individual ASP script, and placing it in Application scope."...

3) Slowness to develop: This was a real show stopper. Every time a change is made in the COM object code (the COM object has to be completely recompiled from scratch, which took 2-3 minutes on a state of the art machines (This # could vary depending on the size of your COM objects). Also, many times IIS would lock the COM object .dll, so in addition, IIS had to be stopped and restarted too, which took another minute or two. (The latter might be alleviated with object pooling, but all the other negatives forced us to abandon COM before even looking at this possibility).
Probably rentacoder team is using IBM XT or they need to read about Script components: "Script components are an excellent technology for developing prototypes of COM components." Or may be the real problem again is mental abilities of rentacoder team, they may need 1000 times to compile for every letter
How does this affect things? When code is created, it is never right the first time. Even creating a single function is an iterative process where it's coded, run, bugs are removed, and the process repeated. A typically complex function created by a top notch developer might require 3-4 iterations...and an average developer might require 10,15 or more. Being able to iterate quickly is what allows you to deliver it on time and on budget. If creating just a single function requires 9 more minutes for your "star" developer and 30 more minutes for your average developers, you are going to have problems. It is FRUSTRATINGLY difficult to develop under these circumstances and try to meet time and budget commitments.
Obviously rentacoder owner is lost in his stupidity and gets frustrated. I can understand him. It is not easy to live with closed eyes. With closed eyes there are many dangers
I tried to explain to the Microsoft systems engineer why this was impractical, but simply got the standard "spiel" repeated to me that COM objects were wonderful and the way to go. Obviously he believed something he read from a KB article, more than me, who he did not realize had personal experience with this supposed "solution".
Obviously rentacoder team again tried to blame someone else for their stupidity. With so many "coders" flattering for 1-2 dollars rentacoder team is lost in their illusions.

Conclusion: If you develop a web app with any sophisticiation or any size, ASP (classic ASP) is NOT a suitable or scalable environment for you. Instead go to a non Microsoft platform. If you choose to say with Microsoft, choose the newer ASP.NET.
Conclusion: we see well known pattern. The mental abilities of rentacoder team do not allow them to understand more than several words. They try to blame someone else for their stupidity. With so many "coders" flattering for 1-2 dollars they are lost in their illusions. They think that barking against Microsoft will prove that they are right. Rentacoder is site for patches and endless stupidity.

Monday, March 26, 2007

1 Link, another opinion confirming that I'm right

another opinion confirming that I'm right
rentacoder is shame for the international global marketplace


"s-poland said...
This is my first comment on RAC actually. I have been working there for 2 years now, bidding on "high paid" (above avg) projects.I disagree with some points brought up by the author.First: you should never bid on low paid projects. On RAC there is no problem to get high paid project with even no rating (read on).From my experience i know that people that pay very little are most demanding and most "unhappy" customers, requiring you to do thousand things that were not included in the initial bid spec. BUT: most (not all!) of the RAC's coders are lame uneducated noobs looking for "first rating" that are trying to do "ebay" or "youtube" clones for 50$ posted by another lame and greedy buyers that think "youtube looks simple". They have of course no idea how to code that ("youtube is free so i could get it written for $50, right?").Its really a shame that someone is taking projects like: $700 when single license for phplivesupport is $100 and the project (if written well) can be completed in 6m-1year by experienced coder.When competition is soo poor you can sound professional by even mentioning some text from bid request. I easily get $500 project @ start making only 3 bids! NOT quantity - QUALITY counts.@Ian: I agree that generic bids are just plain bad (it tells the customer that you have noting to say about the project or time to read REQ's / you eventually won't be able to finish it anyway).BUT: Placing a bid amount is A MUST on your site. Want to know why? Because of noobs that want thier job to get done for $1/hour (or less).Taking a week project to get 30$, then give 15% to RAC and dont even be able to get the money (Western Union is sooo expensive). Just to get a rating. That's just insulting. I bet you understand me here.I live in Poland, costs of living here are VERY LOW. Even taking that into account i couldnt earn a LOWEST COUNTRY WAGE sitting on your site and professionally doing IT work (it BTW takes much time, dedication and skill - i have 9.9 rating on 40 projects!). I could earn more as a street seller of hot-dogs.Why im still on RAC you ask? Because of 1/100 projects posted by honest people that want to give little but at least FAIR money for my hard work. They in return receive well tested, well written, stable and extensible code. What can be done for $1/hr? You can skip all testing, write some unstable, unmaintainable sh*t and still get eg. $8/hr.Then you see all those "(repost)(repost)(repost)(repost)", "90% finished", "fix it, almost done" bids for humorous $$. I firstly considered bids like that but now AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS. I just saw some "90% done code" that people write on RAC. Hint: "search engine" with "one database table and working form to enter queries" working isnt anything near 90% completed.What is my overal experience @ RAC? Very good. Im doing ~1 project / month. WAITING for someone to post something thats even WORTH READING.RAC can't be considered anything near "full time job", "stable job", "fair paid job", etc. 99% of bids is by people that want thier projects done for 1-2$/hour. Professionally. They also want things not included in SPEC completely for free (0$/hr).RAC is a great place to come 2 times a day for 5 minutes, look for some SERIOUS clients, then make FAIR ($10-$20/hr) bid (as you must moderate costs of RAC fee and enormous costs of getting your money by WU).For the very hostile (towrards RAC) comments that can be found elsewhere:- "slave labour"- "silly coders"- "waste of time"I totally dont understand people that wrote this. First: You can find some fair paid job there - 1/100 bids as i mentoned. Second: If a buyer is trying to get a project done and he's choosing cheapest coder for $1/hr and then he whine about all coders on RAC being a bunch of script kiddies and code stealers... well the buyer being idiot is the problem.Last word for Ian: you should consider setting lowest bid request amount to $10. I think i must not explain why.Second: Please consider telling coders that making things that hasn't been mentioned on SPEC can get them better ranking (its written in coder help materials) as encouraging buyers to post "silly" spec and then wanting coders to work for free.
11:11 AM "

Sunday, March 25, 2007


During my experience with rentacoder they lied from the beginning to the end. Also they delete some of my comments. They employ dishonest and silly people to bark against me. Rentacoder is shame for the international global marketplace

Obviously conversation with rentacoder team and their supporters is waste of time

Everyone see that I'm right

They are not right but they use endless inconsistent excuses in attempts to hide the truth(like radio)

New example is that they do not realize that I have a lot of international experience but they try to link my skills and experience to particular country.
Obviously my skills and experience are related to the international global marketplace and my skills and experience are NOT linked to particular country.
Because I have worked with many different people from all over the world.
Again we see their mental abilities

There are many more examples but rentacoder team even do not deserve I to spend time to comment.

If anyone interested to have more details please leave me a message

Saturday, March 24, 2007

How Rentacoder Team Tried To Escape

Brief description

1) They said that I don't have sufficient English skills and this is the problem in their arbitration
I use plain English and almost everyone can understand
If something is not clear easy can be clarified with additional comments
Rentacoder team needed FOUR months to understand FOUR words in context, they even can't open ordinary web application in MS Visual Studio

Obviously the real problem is mental abilities of rentacoder team

It seems that they are not able to understand more then several words plain English and simple technical tasks are beyond their technical skills

2) They said that I'm insulter

Actually I do not provide unlimited free lessons, I do not replace seminars about MS Visual Studio and I do not teach how to understand more than several sentences plain English

So the real problem again is mental abilities of rentacoder team

3) Rentacoder team employed "famous coder" TakeReal/Sergey to defend them in "conversation" on google groups
TakeReal/Sergey thinks like a dog: since rentacoder is source of money for food this means that rentacoder is perfect, also he and rentacoder team think that barking and inconsistent statements will prove that they are right
Actually this "famous coder" is making small patches for prices lower than several hundreds
When he saw that his behaviour is transparent he gave up after 100 comments
After that rentacoder team used another coder making patches to bark against me: Mariano

Many people know that barking of a dog can not change facts, but obviously rentacoder team hoped that they can escape this way

Again we see mental abilities of rentacoder team

4) The slogan of rentacoder "how software gets done"
It's obvious that the majority of the projects on rentacoder site are up to several hundreds( they are making patches)
According to their slogan this is software
Probably for rentacoder team every software can be done for several hundreds
Every experienced can tell that is not possible to make serious software for so low cost
Again we see mental abilities of rentacoder team

There are more examples about rentacoder team mental abilities but I think this is enough

With so many examples it is easy to see why rentacoder team still do not realise that I do not agree they to blame me for their mistakes

But there are even "smarter" people. Excellent example is Paris Muller, the "buyer"
He even was not able to make detailed description of what is expected in the project
He used my description(with the same words) under another registration on another web site for other project
I explained him TWO times quite simple task(setup of windows NTFS security/access rights, done with several clicks) and he continued to ask again and again about the same issue
In attempt to hide the facts he complained that I'm insulting him, I asked him several times and he still was not able to explain how I'm insulting him. Obviously I insulted him with the fact that I do not provide unlimited free work and lessons...

My unambiguous conclusion is that rentacoder team and some of their buyers are excellent company suitable only for fun, jokes and some patches

There is only one problem with them: that they try to blame someone else, but with their mental abilities this is not surprise, I can understand

Thursday, March 8, 2007

2 Funny Links

links to other interesting discussions about rentacoder:
this conversations again proves that for bigger projects rentacoder is source of problems and have to be avoided, rentacoder team are doing all possible to hide this fact

major defender of rentacoder TakeReal/Sergey was placed on his place in another discussion, several other coders explained him that rentacoder is not good:

Everyone can see that I'm right but rentacoder team is trying to escape. They are struggling to hide the truth. Like many others they use different silly excuses and make me laugh. Join me to laugh at them :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How I Became An Insulter On Rentacoder

I explained to the "buyer" Paris Muller several times technical issues and he still was not able to understand, he continued to ask for unlimited free lessons
The arbitrator on rentacoder was not able even to open ordinary web application in MS Visual Studio. He asked 3 times threatening that if I don't teach him free lessons about MS Visual Studio I'll lose the arbitration. Seminars about Visual Studio cost about 2000 USD, but there is very convenient way for the arbitrator to get free lesson from me. Why to pay 2000 USD to study Visual Studio when he can get free education from me?
Of course I do not provide unlimited free lessons. I recommended to the "buyer" and "arbitrator" go to study at proper place - university, seminars, etc. The owner of rentacoder was surprised. He was not able to understand how this is possible. He expected that I have to provide unlimited free lessons. And he decided that I'm insulter. I was banned on rentacoder for this. Very funny. Of course I'm not insulter. I'm just ordinary wise man

Rentacoder team proved that stupidity can not be beaten. But I don't worry about them. They are in excellent company because there are many people on rentacoder asking for clone of google for $100 (USD) or similar projects. Sometimes I can't stop laughing at their mental abilities :-)

Friday, March 2, 2007

There is very interesting web site called rentacoder with slogan "how software gets done"

I had funny negative experience with them

I watched this site for years and I noticed that majority of the projects done are for several hundreds
Every experienced will tell that is not possible to make serious software for so low cost
For several hundreds can be done patch. So rentacoder are not doing software, they are making patches
So the right slogan of rentacoder is "how patches get done"

Rentacoder team promises fair arbitration. It's interesting how can I expect fair arbitration from company lying even with they slogan :-)?

Because they have skills to make only patches they turn every bigger project into patch and of course this way they spoil it( with endless stupidity). And they try to blame someone else for this. They tried to blame me saying that I'm insulter. Very funny. Every ordinary wise man will confirm that I'm right and will laugh at their site, their way of working and their illusions. Every wise man can confirm that I'm not insulter, I'm just ordinary wise man

There are more details and good example at:
This is my "conversation" with famous coder on rentacoder
it's interesting to see how he tries to hide the truth with insults and inconsistent statements in more than 100 comments.
When he sees that nobody believes he finally gives up
This example clearly shows the way of working with rentacoder: they are dreamers living in world of illusions and try to blame someone else
Their behaviour reminds the sad story of GM and Ford: The decline of Detroit

So be forewarned, rentacoder team turns every bigger project into patch and this way they spoil it
rentacoder may be perfect only for projects up to several hundreds(patches)

please note rentacoder team have access to the database and they may post fake projects on their site in attempt to escape